
윈도우10 새로운 단축키를 알아보자

dean 2015. 11. 26. 05:42

이번 윈도우의 새로 추가된 단축키.

New keyboard shortcuts

The following table contains new keyboard shortcuts that you can use in Windows.

Press this keyTo do this
Press this key
Windows logo key Windows logo key+A                 
To do this

Open Action center 윈도우키+A=알림센터열기

알림센터에는 안드로이드의 상단알림바 같이 간단한 설정이나 알림있음

Press this key
Windows logo key‌ Windows logo key+S
To do this

Open search 윈도우키+S= 검색하기                

Press this key
Windows logo key‌ Windows logo key+C

To do this

Open Cortana in listening mode 윈도우키+C=코타나열기    

한국기본 설정으로는 작동안함. 영어언어팩깔고 영어로 설정하면 코타나 사용가능.             


  • Cortana is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere. If Cortana isn't available or is turned off, you can still use search.

Press this key
Windows logo key‌ Windows logo key+Tab
To do this

Open Task view 윈도우키+탭키=태스크뷰 가상데스크톱 관리할때 좋음

Press this key
Windows logo key Windows logo key+Ctrl+D
To do this

Add a virtual desktop  윈도우키+컨트롤키+D=새로운 가상데스크톱 만들기

Press this key
Windows logo key Windows logo key+Ctrl+Right arrow
To do this

Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the right 윈도우키+컨트롤키+오른쪽방향키=가상데스크톱전환 오른쪽에만든걸로

Press this key
Windows logo key Windows logo key+Ctrl+Left arrow
To do this

Switch between virtual desktops you’ve created on the left 윈도우키+컨트롤키+왼쪽방향키=가상데스크톱전환 왼쪽쪽에만든걸로

Press this key
Windows logo key Windows logo key+Ctrl+F4
To do this

Close the virtual desktop you’re using 윈도우키+컨트롤키+F4=지금사용중인 가상데스크톱 닫기

참조 : http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/keyboard-shortcuts

윈도우8쓰다가 자꾸 업데이트하라길래 며칠전에 했는데 브라우저도 그렇고 쓸만한듯.


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